Photos on by Joe Gawinski and Fusion Racing
Thanks to our participants, sponsors & volunteers!
The Little Sisters and our race committee thank you for helping us raise funds to help maintain comfortable living conditions for the residents of Jeanne Jugan Residence. It was great to have Mother Margaret Regina and 2 other Nuns present for the event.
Our 9/11/21 event held “off campus” at Midnight Oil Brewery for 2nd straight year was great fun, with 300 registered participants and 228 finishers!
Make it a Habit and come back next year when we hope to return to the Residence!
2021 Pre and Post Race
Photo Credit: Joe Gawinski, Fusion Racing
2021 Race Photos
Photo Credit: Joe Gawinski, Fusion Racing
‘Nun Run’ raises funds for Little Sisters of the Poor and Jeanne Jugan Residence in Newark: photo gallery
By The Dialog – 24 September 2021

The Little Sisters of the Poor hosted the annual Nun Run 5K on Sept. 11, however, unlike past years, where participants gathered at the Jeanne Jugan Residence grounds, this year the event was moved to Midnight Oil Brewing Company in Newark to comply with CDC COVID-19 safety guidelines.
The day began with a prayer from Mother Margaret Halloran and salute to the American flag, setting it apart from many 5Ks.
“Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name we pause on this day to lift up to you those who lost their lives on 9/11, twenty years ago.” Mother Halloran prayed. “They were Dads, Moms, sisters and brothers, from all walks of life and many countries. Everyone here properly might have known someone in those twin towers. We pray for eternal peace and rest for each one. We remember those ‘heroes’ who voluntarily ran into to help them in any way they could, and who also died in this tragedy. We pray for eternal peace for each one. Let us never forget those valiant fire fighters, police, EMT workers, staff, clergy who suffered from the inhalation of this horror for many years after, silently and with great generosity of heart. May they know of our grateful prayers. (let us pause). As we begin this race, let us lift up each step whether running or walking as a Gift of Praise to the God who pours his love into our hearts and wants us to spread His Love to everyone we meet.”
The Knights of Columbus were presenting sponsors for the 5K. Each year, the councils increase their giving levels to assist the Little Sisters in their mission. With the Knights assistance, close to $50,000 was raised, with the K of C leading the donations with more than $12,000.
Because residents could not be included in the 2020 event, a “Virtual Run” was held with Move2IncluDE to Jeanne Jugan Residents for a quick walk/run around the facility.
The Nun Run 5K raises funds for the Sisters to care for the needy aged in the Delmarva area, in the Jeanne Jugan Residence.
For over 100 years they have offered quality care in a loving home atmosphere to thousands of elderly persons of low income.
We thank all who participated, volunteered, or sponsored us in 2021!