Photos by our fabulous photographers:
Richard Albertson, Mary Kemp, Mary Gaworski, Bob Piane Jr. & others. Thank you!
The Little Sisters and our race committee thank you for helping us raise over $21,000 (net!) to directly benefit the needy seniors at Jeanne Jugan Residence. Our 9/13/14 event was great fun! The rain held off and a record turnout of 570 registered with 508 finishers!
Make it a Habit and come back next year!
Please join our Facebook Group.
Nun Run 5K
Knights of Columbus – – – – Little Sisters of the Poor
Webmaster Ray – race coordinator & website designer
WOW! Thank you CSC for your contribution towards
the purchase of our new medical transport van!
National Anthem was sung by Stephanie Bailey for 2nd time.
The Nun Run 5K raises funds for the Sisters to care for the needy aged in the Delmarva area, in the Jeanne Jugan Residence. For over 100 years they have offered quality care in a loving home atmosphere to thousands of elderly persons of low income.